Slotted box
styles are generally made from one piece of corrugated or solid fibre board.
The blank is scored and slotted to permit folding. A joint is formed by the box
manufacturer at the point where one side panel and one end panel are brought
together. Boxes are then shipped flat to the user. Flaps, extending from the
side and end panels to form the top and bottom, are closed by the user when the
box is needed.
Regular Slotted Container - RSC
All flaps are the same depth, and the two outer flaps
(normally the lengthwise flaps) are one-half the container's width, so that
they meet in the center of the box when folded.
This is a highly efficient design. The only overlaps are the
flap for a glued or stitched manufacturer's joint and the inner (or minor)
flaps. There is very little manufacturing waste.
The RSC can be used for most products, and is the most
common box style.
If the product requires a flat, even bottom surface, or the
protection of two full layers, a fill-in pad can be placed between the two
inner flaps.